OMG, will they pick up? What do I say? Wait, who am I calling?
Find all your reps quickly is a lightening fast way to find the phone number of your representatives in Washington. They also have a call script tool you can fill out to share with friends so you can boost your impact. is a fantastic, simple resource for finding your representatives and digging a little deeper into their voting records.
Enter your address or click Use My Location if you're at home
It will identify your 2 Senators, and 1 Congressman (Representative)
Click their name and go straight to their website for contact information. Make your voice heard!
your senators
If you want to focus on your reps in the U.S. Senate, visit their official government website here. You can find contact information, what committees each Senator sits on, past and active legislation. You can even livestream the U.S. Capitol dome...
Your congressmen and women
If you want to focus on your Congressmen and women, visit the U.S. House of Representatives official site here. You can find contact information for your representative in the House, which members are the leaders of the parties, read about House committees, research legislative activity, and have a look at their official calendar.
here's what to say when you call
Tips from a former DC staffer who was in charge of incoming phones calls for his Senator's office on Capitol Hill